Commercial Subdivision

Subdivision in Auckland is a great way to increase the return on your business land investment

But… is your site in the right zone? Do you have enough land, a suitable building area, good access and services? How can you design your development to get the best yield?

The type of subdivision that’s best for you varies, depending on the planning provisions applying, your sites features and what you want to achieve. Planning Plus™ has extensive experience with all types of subdivision, including freehold vacant sites, sites around new or existing development, cross lease and unit titles. Almost all subdivisions require resource consent and a team of experienced professionals to work with you.

Planning Plus™ has an extensive network of other professionals who we’ve worked with in the 60+ combined years we’ve been in the industry. We make sure we get the best fit for you and your project- not just whoever is the ‘in- house’ person. We can also manage their inputs for you, providing a convenient one- stop- shop service but one with the best professionals working with you to create a successful subdivision in Auckland.

Planning Plus™ assist with all types of subdivision Auckland, including creating new (vacant) sites, subdividing around development, unit title subdivision, flats plan updates, cross lease conversion and the freehold subdivision process nz. New Zealand subdivision costs can also be found here.

Are you looking at buying a business site to subdivide? Your due diligence could include a development feasibility study, so you’re clear on the planning risks and opportunities of your plans to subdivide before committing to the purchase.

Do you have a cross-lease site and want to know more about the freehold subdivision process nz?

What does cross lease mean? Click here to get a copy of our free e- guide, summarising all you need to know about cross lease to freehold subdivision.