You’ve had your resource consent approved- great news! But there’s a condition requiring a Traffic Management Plan- what is that??
What is a Traffic Management Plan?

A traffic management plan (often shortened to a “TMP”) is a document that details the way activities in the road corridor will be carried out so they minimise inconvenience and help ensure road users and workers remain as safe as possible. Usually it must be approved by the local transport authority (in Auckland this is Auckland Transport (AT)) before any works starts. A TMP is sometimes required for activities being done on private property if construction vehicle access is needed for a long period of time.
Auckland Transport (AT) require a traffic management plan for any activity that varies the normal operating conditions of any part of the road corridor (road, footpath or berm). This could include an event or a construction project.
What does a TMP cover?
A TMP is site-specific and needs to cover the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management (TTM) measures while the work or activity is carried out in the road corridor. It details how road users – including cyclists and pedestrians – will be directed around a work site, or other temporary road disruption, to minimise inconvenience while providing safe conditions for both the road user and those carrying out the activity.
Any TMP must contain details the specifics of the work being done, such as the specific location, date/times of works, who is doing the work, the work methodology, temporary speed limit information (as needed) and contact details, as well as a traffic management diagram, and it must comply with the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).
When do you need a TMP?

Unless the works are an emergency, if your proposal will impact on the normal flow of traffic in any part of the road corridor, including the road, footpath or berm, you will need a TMP approved prior to commencement of works. This would usually be identified by a condition of your resource consent, but we also suggest you get in contact with your local roading authority to check the requirements.
Emergency works are unplanned and must be done without delay to prevent loss of life, injury or damage to property, and include such events as burst or damaged watermains, fallen power lines or electricity faults, telecommunications failures and gas leaks.
Any activity that has been planned in advance or is classified as urgent is not emergency work and is subject to the proper AT approval process before work starts.
Application and approval process
If you plan to use a TMP, you need to submit a Corridor Access Request.
TMPs must be designed by a suitably qualified and experienced professionals. Once approved, a TMP will form part of a Works Approval Permit (WAP).
Need help?
If you need help preparing a Traffic Management Plan we can recommend specialists to assist you. Remember, your TMP must be approved by AT before you can start any activity, so get onto it early rather than waiting for Council to request a plan as part of their review process.

If you need some advice about preparing a comprehensive resource consent application, get in contact with our helpful team. You can see that getting an application right can be complicated, and this is where a Planner can help you. At Planning Plus, we deal with this process every day and know it inside out. We can manage the application process for you, taking away the stress from what can become a difficult process.
Disclaimer As with all our blogs, the information detailed here is general in nature and meant as a preliminary guide only. This should not be substituted for your own investigations or use of your own professional’s. Planning Plus is not liable for any errors or omissions.
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#Trafficmanagementplan #TMP #cOpttm #TTM #CorridorAccessRequest #WAP #Worksapprovalpermit