Step 1: Investigate, investigate, investigate!
This is the first blog in our series on the “lifecycle of a resource consent”. We aren’t going to explain the legal process of getting a resource consent, but what is actually involved for you as a “developer”, or someone wanting to do something. It can be a daunting process, so we hope this blog series will demystify some it for you, helping you understand how everything fits together and flows one from the other.
Let’s Start At The Very Beginning…
When you are applying for a resource consent, it is more important than ever that you do your homework thoroughly. Know what you are required to do, and how to make the process cheaper and faster. Gone are the days of simply filling out forms, drawing plans on a piece of paper and hoping for the best!
Step One: Research
When you are first thinking about doing a development of any scale, your first step is research, research, research! You need to find out as much information about your property, its limitations, the planning rules affecting your site and if you’ll be required to pay any development or financial contributions to the Council. This will lead the initial phases of your investigations and help you answer:
- Is my site in the right location for what I want to do?
- Are there any restrictions on the certificate of title that I need to factor in? This could include a consent notice, easement or land covenant for example.
- Can it be serviced with water? Is there a way to manage wastewater and stormwater?
- Can my site be accessed and is there enough space on site for parking?
- Are my neighbours or other people likely to be affected? Remember this doesn’t need to be people you can see from your property. For example, there may be iwi groups to consider. You may need to consult with NZTA or Transpower.
- What are the physical limitations on my site? What specialists do I need to engage to investigate these for me?
- What are the development or financial contributions?
We can’t stress enough the importance of thorough investigations at the start of the process.
There is no point spending money on getting plans drawn up if the project is not located in the correct zone, or could never be built due to physical restrictions with the land.
Are you a bit worried?
It is natural to be worried or confused by the process, as we said above, it is quite complex. So, if you find you need some help ticking all the boxes, we are only a phone call away.
At Planning Plus we have extensive experience with the resource consent process, and have a wide network of industry contacts including engineers, surveyors, ecologists and traffic engineers. We can manage detailed investigations on your behalf, ensuring you go into a development with a high-level understanding of risks and costs. We are a friendly team of well qualified and experienced professionals.
Get in touch with us via our contact form, or email us on hello@planningplus.co.nz .
As with all our blogs, the information detailed here is general in nature and meant as a preliminary guide only. This should not be substituted for your own investigations or use of your own professional’s. Planning Plus is not liable for any errors or omissions.
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