Coatesville Subdivision

Rural subdivision can be complicated, but not when you get experienced professionals involved from the start.

To be done well, rural subdivision requires a good understanding of the issues, what’s needed, how the site and features on it affect your development, and what the opportunities are.

This rural subdivision application related to a site in Auckland’s Countryside Living zone under the Auckland Unitary Plan. Subdivision in this zone can be confusing, as it can be based on the land area, or you can increase the density by using Transferable Rural Sites (TRSS). You can find out about these options here.

This project sought to subdivide the rural site using Transferable Rural Sites (TRSS) subdivision provisions under the Auckland Unitary Plan, to create three lots. This means that “donor sites” were required- this adds a complication to the process and is something Planning Plus® will usually manage for clients, making the process even easier for them.

This site also contained two watercourses, related riparian margins where activities are restricted, protected bush, floodplains and overland flowpaths. All of these natural features needed individual and cumulative consideration in the subdivision design, lot layout and in relation to future servicing and where this should be located. You don’t want to create new lots that are hard for future owners to develop, or ones where they’ll need to waste time and money getting their own resource consent in the future.

Having been in the industry for 60+ years, we put together a team of specialists with proven rural subdivision experience, to ensure all the issues were identified and solutions found early. This included considering future development, and that the new lots and development potential would be attractive to new purchasers, maximising potential investment return for our clients.

Through front- footing the process, a detailed resource consent application was lodged. The Council had few questions after lodgement, and the resource consent was granted soon after. The lots have now been sold, and the new owners are developing their own plans for new houses in a beautiful rural lifestyle setting.

Interested in subdividing a rural site? Find out here how we can help

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