With the upcoming new financial year at Auckland Council, resource consent deposit fees and staff hourly rates are all set to increase from 1 July 2024. In some cases, the increases are relatively substantial, as can be seen below.
The changes to resource consent deposit fees are intended to better reflect average final fees but do represent a substantial change for smaller projects or projects where a technically bundled consent application is needed (such as a subdivision application with a small access width infringement).
You’ll also need to be mindful of when you lodge your resource consent application- if it’s after 1 July 2024 the new deposit fees will apply. The new staff hourly rates will also apply.
For total resource consent fees, you’ll continue to be charged for actual time and costs. If the deposit fee isn’t fully used, you will still receive a refund.
How can I reduce my Council fees?
While you can’t control the hourly rates of Council staff, you can influence the time they spend processing your resource consent application. Lodging a thorough application that correctly assesses your proposal and provides the council with the assessment and information they require continues to be the best way to keep your overall fees down. You can find out more here.
Lodge the right application
If you want to keep your council fees low, save your time and money, get in contact with our experienced team. With over 65 years of combined experience, including currently processing resource consent applications for Council’s, we’re confident that we can help you achieve a successful outcome.